If you have not already, now is the time to vamp up your holiday marketing plan. Planning how you will market your business over the holidays will help your business stand out and help you get the most from your marketing dollars. Getting your marketing plans and resources in place ahead of time ensures your business doesn’t get lost in the crush. Promoting gift items on social media, decorating your store for the holiday, and offering limited time deals can attract attention and close a sale.
Think of some juicy deals and special offers that holiday shoppers can't look away from during the holidays. Black Friday, November 25th, 2022, once an accounting term used for the day retailers start turning a profit in the year, has become a massive consumer promotional event.
Then follows Cyber Monday, November 28th, 2022, will be here before you know it! So bring on the most exceptional online bargain you can think of on this day and watch your sales go up.
Small Business Saturday, November 26, 2022, promotions have also emerged as a way to draw holiday shopper attention to local stores. Buy-one-get-one free offers, gift with purchase, sampling events, and loyalty program kick-offs are some examples of promotions that can boost your revenue.
And don't forget to share your business’s holiday hours with customers to let them know ahead of time when you will not be available.